Sébastien Barat-Vassard

Sébastien Barat-Vassard Passionate sailor, sailing specialist

Sébastien has always sailed. As a child, his parents owned a First 29d in the port of Grandcamp-Maisy. From one sailing trip to another, his father, a former instructor, passed on to him his passion and the desire to discover the glénans sailing school . Sébastien did a first internship there and, convinced, he decided to work there for a year as a civic service.

As he only knew Normandy and North Brittany, he went to discover the Mediterranean by going to the base of Bonifacio. This year was extremely formative: boat maintenance, sailing in all conditions and especially training course supervision. Sébastien discovered a real taste for teaching!

At the end of his year, he decided to launch his YouTube channel to continue to give sailing tips to as many people as possible, " the topos of a Boc ". Boc stands for "Bénévole Objecteur de Conscience", the ancestor of civic service which existed at the time when military service was compulsory.

He joined the bateau.com team in 2022 to spread his passion for sailing in a new way.

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