Farewell SNCM, welcome Maritima Ferries

The new name and logo of SNCM

On 5 January, SNCM passed through the hands of the Corsican carrier Patrick Rocca. And this week, the management unveiled the new name of the shipping company.

After several months of negotiations and postponements of hearings, it was finally Patrick Rocca who bought the Corsican shipping company, sNCM . It then became the maritime subsidiary of the Rocca group, under the name MCM, Maritime Corsica Méditerranée.

But from now on, it will no longer be necessary to use the acronym to call the company since it has just changed its name. Its new trade name was unveiled to employee representatives at the end of a works council meeting held this week. And this new name is Maritima Ferries.

It is therefore your left hand that holds the end crossing that constitutes the "well". With your right hand, you will grasp the current and pass it under the "tree" and in the same gesture, bring it back into the "well". "a name that immediately expresses the company's vocation: to transport passengers and goods on the seas" explains the management. " The Mediterranean is the heart of the company: it is found in the choice of the blue colour, the blue so characteristic of the Mediterranean Sea, deep and warm blue "details the direction.

This name is reminiscent of that of the island group of companies - Corsica Maritima - which had also positioned itself to take over the shipping company. Moreover, the group has also decided to launch its own maritime transport company between Corsica and France: Corsica Linea. But this name also reminds us of the name of the competitor Corsica Ferries since it is finally composed of a part of each of the names.

Thanks to its acquisition, Patrick Rocca has made it possible to safeguard 873 of SNCM's 1500 jobs. The links between Corsica and North Africa (Tunisia and Algeria) are also maintained. From now on, he is waiting - together with other competitors - to find out whether his company will be selected for the public service on routes that would provide him with sufficient traffic.

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