SNSM de Bonifacio, discovery of a team of young lifeguards

It is the story of an all-weather canoe that could fly the pirate flag as its namesake, the laviso of the French Navy. But it is red and green in the colours of the SNSM. Captain L'Herminier II is based in Bonifacio.

No, no "Jolly Roger" on board Arnaud answers with a laugh, the name of the boat pays tribute to Jean L'Herminier, commander of the submarine Casabianca who participated in the liberation of Corsica by landing the first 109 French soldiers on September 13, 1943, in Ajaccio, the first liberated city in mainland France.

When the Casablanca escaped from the German army in Toulon to reach North Africa, it had no French flags on board, only a flag with the emblem of piracy, a skull and crossbones. This is how a legend was born.

Arnaud, diver, holder of a Hyperbaric Aptitude Certificate Mention B class 0, is one of the five members of the crew to embark on the all-weather boat SNS 063. I've been on the station since 2004, I work at the EMS and I'm also a firefighter," he says.

The 17.60 m. (type A) was built in 1988, i was not yet born says Vincent when asked how old the boat is. This chief mechanic is only 24 years old and has been part of the crew since he was 18. In real life, he is the owner of a marine mechanics workshop in Porto-Vecchio.

The boat was modernized in 2005. The engines, two 294 kW Iveco, propel it at 18 knots and have not run more than 1000 hours. The boat should be changed in 2018 - for its 30th anniversary - by the new all-weather boat currently being tested in Sein .

We intervene in the Bouches de Bonifacio The gales and the sea can be very rough in this area. Moreover, the numerous creeks with turquoise waters in good weather can quickly turn into formidable traps as soon as the wind rises.

We act mainly on heeling operations, like Blandine and Max that we went to get a few weeks ago to the Lavezzi..

But the main cause of our outings is due to the carelessness or unconsciousness of boaters. We are called for a simple seasickness... or to recover the body of a diver hit in the 300 meters zone while his boat had the Saint Andrew's Cross clearly visible.

The team is very close-knit. The average age is not more than 35 years old. Despite this, we have difficulty recruiting new members, many come and go, but do not stay. The call is therefore out to candidates.

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