Sailing without breaking the bank: the BDA (or the Boat Of Others)

Navigating on the BDA - Boat of Others - is the most accessible and economical solution for a ride on the water. Whether you are a novice, amateur or qualified, whether you want to sail for a day, do a regatta or go for a long period of time Many solutions exist and are all practiced on other people's boats, whether with friends, acquaintances or real strangers. It all depends on your desires, but here, you will have to make use of your interpersonal skills!

The BDA? What is this strange acronym, yet well known in the sailing world? The BDA is nothing more than the Boat of Others. Not everyone is lucky enough to own a boat, nor its famous berth (which we sometimes wait many years...) or even to live by the sea to sail whenever we want..

There are several solutions to be able to sail on a sailboat that is not one's own, whether one knows how to sail or not. In both cases, you have to make use of your interpersonal skills, unlike the Crew Exchange, where the crew members don't necessarily know each other.

Sailing on the guest boat

This is still the simplest solution. You are lucky enough to have boat owners in your circle of friends, ready to invite you on board for a sailing trip with friends. The opportunity to discover how it works for those who don't know or to practice for those who do.

It's up to you whether you're going for a day, a regatta or a longer cruise (it all depends on your time, your boat and your arrangement, after all they are your friends!).

For those who do not have boating friends, there are other solutions.

Sailing on an acquaintance's boat

The world of yachting is above all a world of sharing... Sharing knowledge, sharing your boat, sharing your passion... Owners often find it difficult to put together a crew and don't necessarily go to a crew exchange. They will talk to their circle of friends or acquaintances..

During a stroll on the pontoons, you have come across an owner, an experienced sailor who has invited you on board for a ride at sea... At the bar, on a beach, during a stroll or even on the plane... You may meet a yachtsman looking for an extra crew member.

It's up to you to agree with the owner on a possible contribution to the costs (board box) of food, fuel, berth, etc... And if he is looking for a rather qualified crew member or freshwater sailor. Everything will depend on what he wants to do: short cruise, day trip, regatta, etc.

The hitchhiking boat

Boat hitch-hiking is about finding a boat to enjoy sailing, often on a long course. To find the right boarding and the destination you want, you have to be sociable and cheeky. Either by strolling around on the pontoons, or by meeting the right people in sailor's bars or by asking the harbour master's office for information.

Amateur, novice or qualified, it will be up to the owner and his possible crew to determine which profile he wants. Even if experience is not mandatory, it will still be necessary to put your hand to the task by working on board (food, watch, maneuvers ...). For the participation fees, they will have to be defined beforehand with the owner (cash on board or not).

So, a piece of advice, have a drink with some skippers passing through the Canary Islands, give some hawsers to the boats passing through the Panama Canal and you will be sure to embark on an unforgettable trip. Then indeed you might have to pay for a plane ticket to an unknown destination, with no assurance of the result, nor without knowing the crew, but that's the adventure that starts at the end of the pontoon!

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