How do you bake bread on board a boat?

Bread baked in a casserole ©

After gathering the ingredients and making your dough (which still took you a good 6 hours...), it's now time to bake it! To do this, you have the choice between several methods, so it all depends on your equipment... So, oven, casserole or frying pan, what do you prefer to bake a good bread?

Baking bread in the oven

1- Take your bread and place it on a baking tray covered with a sheet of greaseproof paper or oiled if necessary. Place it in a very hot oven (about 250°) that has been preheated beforehand. The baking time varies according to the power of the oven and the size of the bread. Count between 30 and 45 minutes of baking time.

2 - Here, no rotating heat, so to obtain an even baking, remember to turn your bread over regularly during baking. Halfway through baking, lower the temperature to 180°.

3 - It's ready! Take your bread out of the oven. The crust should be hard and your bread should sound hollow when tapped with the back of your index finger. Put it on a cooling rack to cool, which will also wick away moisture, before eating it... The hardest part? Wait until it is no longer burning!

Baking bread in a casserole

1 - After having kneaded your dough well (you have to repeat the operation three times), pour some oil into your casserole dish and slide your puffed up bread ball into it, without breaking it.

2 - Close the casserole with its lid (without engaging the plunger) and cook over a very low heat, but not too much either. If the heat is too high, the dough will stick to the bottom and if the heat is too low, the cooking time will be longer and the crust will not brown .

3 - After about 30 minutes, turn your bread over. The top may not look cooked to you, but this is normal. When you turn your bread over, you will notice that the bottom has coloured it.

4 - Continue cooking for another 30 minutes, still on low heat, making a total of one hour! On the other hand, with baking in the oven you will not normally smell that good smell of baked bread coming out of the oven . Cooking in a casserole requires a little practice to master the baking process.

Baking bread in a frying pan

If you don't have an oven, then you opt for baking, but not only. You can also bake your bread in a pan. It will be thinner - opt for a rather flat shape - to avoid burning the crust while ensuring good interior baking. As with the casserole, you will have to turn the bread over halfway through cooking.

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