10 tips for navigating with your dog

Many boaters take their pets on board, especially their dogs. Nevertheless, to ensure that your cruise goes as smoothly as possible for you and your four-legged friend, here are 10 tips.

1 - Identification

Remember to put your contact information on a plastic tag on your dog's collar. You can also chip your pet, which will allow you to know his identity and yours with a veterinarian.

2 - Acclimatization

Consider getting your pet used to sailing. Some may not like it, while others may feel very comfortable. Start with short trips before going on a longer cruise.

3 - Boarding

Consider getting a catwalk if your pet is too big to be carried in your arms. It will be much easier for him to board via a gangway. The latter will also allow him to get back on board more easily at anchor after a swim for example.

4 - Lifejacket

Even animals have their life jackets. This last one will be appreciated in particular in strong sea in case of strong gite. The handles on the vests also make it easy to grab your dog.

5 - Hydration

Remember to take enough water for yourself and your pet. Opt for retractable rubber bowls, easy to carry and use.

6 - The needs

Some dogs will find it difficult to relieve themselves on board your boat, but get them used to it by dedicating a corner with used carpets, litter boxes or bedding.

7 - The stopover

The bigger your pet is, the more space it needs to move around. Try to make regular stops and disembark him so he can let off some steam and relieve himself.

8 - The first aid kit

As with humans, remember to take a pet first aid kit with you. Pets can also be sensitive to seasickness so ask your veterinarian.

9 - Leash and collar

A harness, as opposed to a collar, provides a means of catching and lifting the dog, even with a hook.

10 - A dog in the sea

Make a plan that will be useful in case your dog falls overboard.

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