Special Edition / Kerboat Services, a clean boat for a good winter

A good wintering requires a good cleaning. Kerboat Services offers to optimize winterization with a complete package of services, ideal before winter.

"Clean up!" This is the first word that comes to Sébastien David, founder of Kerboat Services, when we talk to him about wintering. Indeed, this period when the boat will remain unused, with little passage, little ventilation, this period when the climate is harsher, more humid: you must protect your boat.

For this reason, Kerboat Services, a company that specializes in boat cleaning throughout France, offers to come on board with a team of professionals and comb the entire interior of your boat with a fine-tooth comb. Indeed, the saline humidity that can remain in the bottom, the hold or even the back of the toilet quickly causes mould and the formation of bad smells. Having clean, degreased, cleaned and rinsed with clean water and the assurance of a recovery does not work much easier when the weather is good.

On board in winter, the main enemy is humidity. It is the one that damages fabrics and marks partitions. Kerboat Services recommends the installation of chemical moisture absorbers for this purpose. The latter, with a kind of salt tablet, captures the moisture and stores it in a tank. If these products are effective, the tank must also be emptied regularly. Kerboat Services offers "winter watch" as part of its service offer. Once a month, a technician ensures that the pads on the absorber are renewed and the tank emptied. He takes advantage of this time on board to ventilate the boat. This passage is also the subject of a report with a photo that gives news of the boat to its owner.

But don't talk to Sébastien David about an electric dehumidifier that doesn't require tablets. He will tell you the anecdote of a yachtsman who left such a trendy accessory on his boat all winter long. An electrical short circuit consumed all the interior fittings without creating a fire. When he arrived, the owner had the strange surprise of seeing his boat destroyed from the inside! Today, the boat must be completely rebuilt. And even if the insurance can cover some costs, the season is over...

Kerboat Services offers a wintering package with multiple services:

  • internal cleaning
  • monthly monitoring
  • sail washing and wintering
  • thermobuilding

This service does not compete with maintenance operations. The professional who takes care of the boat's maintenance (motor, rigging, electricity...) always keeps his job. And with Kerboat Services, this maintenance work is done under better conditions!

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