Meanwhile to the discovery of the starfish and corals in timelapse

This short film, entitled Meanwhile, is a condensed version of accelerated and magnified images, exploring the world of starfish and corals. Breathtaking!

Meanwhile is a short film based on images shot of Portgrave, Sandro Bocci's latest film, which will be released at the end of 2015. It shows the world of marine animals, such as the starfish and corals at very high magnification, by condensed period of time. It aims to stimulate reflection on our actions on other space-time scales, by showing hidden wonders that are often imperceptible to the naked eye. To do this, he uses the time lapse (accelerated) technique and optical magnification. The music accompanying the images stimulates mental associations and creates a contrast, stimulating synesthesia (a neurological phenomenon in which two or more senses are associated)

"These images reflect a tiny part of the wonderful world in which we live and which we should take better care of. A journey through a different perspective that encourages reflection on the consequences of our actions on the scale of space and time" can be read on the Julia Set Collection website.

Portgrave is a feature film produced by Sandro Bocci and Julia Set Collection. Still on the latter's website, we can read " It is an experimental film in orbit around scientific and philosophical reflections on time and space. Thanks to various shooting techniques, different magnification systems and an exciting soundtrack, weaves a web between science and magic. The subject is inspired by the works of Alan Moore, Jan Hanlo, Don DeLillo, Kurt Vonnegut, Alfred Van Vogt and many others."