The return of Redbeard, the pirate with a big heart..

© François-Xavier Ricardou

Pirate, attack, trickery, sailing manoeuvre, shoal and shipwreck all the ingredients can be found in this new Redbeard pirate adventure. A comic strip for fans of the series and the genre.

When you hear the story of Redbeard, does it awaken your childhood spirit? Do you relive the sea battles following this bearded man with a flaming beard, always accompanied by his son Eric and his famous crew members Triple-Pate and the big black colossus Baba? This comic book hero was born in 1959, created by Jean-Michel Charlier and Victor Hubinon. He is always in funny situations, chasing treasures, but always with a (very) big heart.

This series, which marked the comic years, saw several authors succeeding each other to hold the helm of its adventures. But since 16 years (2004), and the last episode "Le Secret d'Elisa Davis" we had no more news of this illustrious crew.

In the New Adventures of Redbeard (published by Dargaud), it is Jean-Charles Kraehn and Stephano Carloni who take the helm of the ship. "Hanged high and short!" And the first episode of a diptych that revives the adventures of the pirate. But do not believe that this is a new story. This new volume is intimately involved in the previous ones, involving the pirate's longtime enemies. Fans of the series will not be disoriented even if the drawings are very different from what we have known so far.

If Redbeard speaks for you, it's because he owes his fame more to his caricature in Asterix than to the 35 volumes recounting his adventures that have already appeared. You know that pirate crew that never fails to sink with each adventure of the Gallic..

In the latest installment, "Hanging High", the pirate has now become the King's Corsair. He has settled down. But not resisting the call of adventure, he will cast off and, as is too often the case, be trapped. Without a doubt, the finesse of his son Eric and the bravery of his crew will once again get him out of the mess he has gotten himself into. The story will continue in the next volume announced for the spring of 2021..

The new adventures of Redbeard Volume 1 - Hanged high and short

  • Script : Jean-Charles Kraehn - Drawing : Stephano Carloni
  • Editions Dargaud
  • 56 pages
  • 24.3 x 31.9 cm
  • 15,00 euros
Available to order here
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