Model boats : A testimony of 40 years of experience

Model making is an art!

When the boats are in winter, why not take up model shipbuilding for a change? Denis, an experienced modeler, talks about his passion and gives us some tips for building model boats.

Model making, not to be confused with model building, is an activity involving the construction of scale models. How do you get started in this excellent hobby for relaxation and concentration? Denis, passionate about the sea and model making, gives us his advice.

Denis is an ex-Navy man who joined the Navy when he was 17. After a separation, he decided to take up model making to occupy his evenings. For more than 40 years now, he has been building remote-controlled models, which he sails on ponds or in ports. The rest of the time, he goes out to sea on his sailing boat, a Kelt 39.

Denis, à ses débuts de modélisme
Denis, in his early days of model making

A lot of patience and a bit of passion

"Perseverance, patience and length of time are the key words of this art" according to Denis. For him, who took a year and a half to draw, design and build his first model, it takes time and perseverance to see his project through. His first sailboat is indeed no less than 1.50m and weighs about 40 kilos. It sails, thanks to a remote control that manages the sails and the rudder.

However, from the scratchbuilt kit, when the modeler starts from scratch and builds according to a plan, there is something for all levels and all ages. It is better not to start too big at the beginning in order not to get discouraged!

From scratch, on commence avec les plans du bateau
From scratch, we start with the boat plans

A little skill and attention to detail

Nimble hands and light fingers are important for making models where small details abound. Model making requires many skills: for example, woodworking and materials, sewing for sails, painting and varnishing, and electronics for the motorization.

Cunning and ingenious

Denis explains: "What is interesting in model making is to be able to do as much as possible yourself. The products in specialized stores are expensive. While some are essential, such as sealants and other products, there are a thousand and one ways to make some parts yourself."

Thus, Denis makes his plaster molds to cast the lead for the keel of his sailboats. He uses curtain rod rings, which he paints to make lifebuoys and all sorts of tricks to divert objects and integrate them into his models.

Une maquette de bateau avec plein de petits détails ingénieux
A model of a boat with lots of ingenious details

A little material to get started

Finally, according to Denis, you don't need much specialized equipment to start. You just have to pick from your classic toolbox. However, an excellent cutter is essential. A scroll saw is a plus, whether manual or electric, although a jigsaw can also do the trick. Sandpaper and brushes are also needed.

For sailboats, it might be interesting to have a sewing machine for the sails or a sewing kit and patience, again and again.

Une maquette de chalutier
A model of a trawler

A little moneyâeuros¦

Even when you start from scratch, model making has a cost. The small fittings that you can't make yourself, the motors and remote controls, the putty, there are still a lot of little things and materials that you have to buy.

However, Denis states: "Since the realization of a model takes time, the expenses are smoothed out over a more or less long period depending on the project. First, we buy the plan, then the wood, then the coatings and paint, then the fittings, then the motorization..."

De véritables moteurs électriques miniatures pour le modélisme
Real miniature electric motors for model making

A lot of fun

All this patience, time, skill and cunning, money, all this takes shape under the eyes and hands of the model maker. The scattered materials are transformed into an elegant hull and a majestic rigging.

Then, the big day comes. Denis remembers as if it were yesterday the launching of his very first model. It was not even finished, but he wanted to check that the hull he had designed and built floated properly. The joy of seeing his work on the waters of the port of Perros-Guirec! A troop of kids had come to admire itâ?¦

Le plaisir de faire naviguer les modèles réduits
The pleasure of sailing model aircraft

For Denis, the pleasure of flying his models is always there. He explains "Sailing models teaches a lot about navigation. Not being on the deck of the boat, you have to rely on other signs to spot reefs. You have to observe, be attentive and when maneuvering, great delicacy is required."

Denis always has a model on the workbench: at the moment, an aviso-escorteur, a scale model of the one on which he served in Tahiti, a long time ago now...

Toujours une maquette en cours
Still a model in progress
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